féministes, muscovites et phlegmatiques sont les ennemis du peuple. я сочинил этот текст 23 ноября, 2016-го года, по григорианскому календарю. вскоре после этого, моего папу отравили биохимическим оружием. "сросшиеся брови и кишки joanne rowling ripped off Mithridates the Great. frida kahlo stole the F in her name from empress theodora. theodora is Феодора. in Cyrillic Ф is F. theodora was emperor justinian's bottom bitch or his girl friday. prior to becoming empress she was a prostitute selling pussy. emperor justinian created the byzantine empire's GOLDEN AGE. he has built hagia sophia and the hippodrome. commies and feministas not only are poor imitators, they also have zero respect for the fountainhead. they twist what they blindly mimic to fit it into their dirty plans. the bottom bitch is a public relations specialist for the pimp. 《public relations》 is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between the pimp and the new whores. bitches who are new to the lifestyle or a particular pimp's philosophy are referred to as fresh work. girl friday came to mean the same thing — a female representative of the charismatic. in order not to misrepresent her man, the bottom bitch (girl friday) can't talk when she should listen. in a story by Jonathan Swift, an aboriginie on an island where crusoe's shipmates marooned him, was rescued from other cannibals by Robinson Crusoe. this happened on a friday, so Crusoe named the aboriginie Friday. Friday owed robinson crusoe his life, so he felt indebted to Crusoe for life, and he became robinson crusoe's top aide. girl friday has come to mean a Charismatic leader's female leutenant. the movie His Girl Friday (1940) starring Cary Grant, best illustrates this. byzantine and roman mosaics depict bitches with unibrows. unibrows were considered sexy in rome and the byzantine empire, and rightfully so. but that was a celebration of beauty, not self-deprecation. the unibrow of frida kahlo, suggests the opposite. frida kahlo inappropriately displays her self-pity and her low self-esteem in her art. she felt like the world owed her emotional support. she drains our optimism. she had absolutely no respect for her audience. she was a sick narcissist. (frida kahlo, marie curie, and mary shelley tried in vain to viciously compete against their illustrious husbands, instead of supporting them.) sometimes the samurai warrior slit their own belly so his intestines would fall out onto the mat or onto the earth. this the samurai did for various reasons. ▪ after a military defeat or a failed attempt at a coup d'état they were extraordinarily shy. ▪ because they were members of the gentry, a death penalty couldn't be carried out on them without endangering them as a ruling class — they had to execute this themselves to preserve their honor. ▪ some samurai did this, to protest their lord's policies and actions. the samurai were proud of their skill above everything else, along with loyalty and honor. they disliked themselves whenever they thought that they have failed in one of those categories. the samurai preferred to die a slow and painful death, with their face facing down, for several days, unable to use their catastrophically ruined intestines, which were drying slowly. these japanese hereditary knights, were expected to unflinchingly stare in the face of causality, never to turn away in fear from the way things work. this included the causality of the death process. the guts contain a warrior's life force — his character, his morale and his intuition. the warrior relies on his gut to outperform his enemies in battle. the stomach and the intestinum tenue, are coated with exactly the same kind of neurons as the brain cells. the ceremony of stomach cutting enabled the samurai to literally feel the gradual draining of his visceral abilities, along with his life — a complete experience of death. frida kahlo tried to secure a monopoly on artistic representation of these splendid devices (the unibrows and the intestines) and to get people to only associate them with herself. she exploited the ignorance of her contemporaries. she never quite understood the cultural significance of unibrows and intestines. she imitated blindly. joanne rowling, ayn rand, marie curie, and mary shelley — played games similar to frida kahlo's. to be strong, bitches have to trust their gut — not their brain. it's called being visceral. without a standard against which they can juxtapose things that other people do and say for the purpose of comparison and measurement, bitches would be blindly mimicking others' behavior and speech. this is called biomimicry. doing anything blindly is not a good idea. an engineer does not argue with his yardstick and compass. the navigator does not argue with the stars. the man with whom the bitch chooses to be — is her standard. n'oubliez pas, féministes, muscovites et phlegmatiques n'ont pas le sens de l'humour." son altesse sacré deus le sacré lord protecteur yama hypérion קאמענסקי ou мітрідат юрійович каменський ou amiral 《poussière d'or》 amour ou daddy ou nine-ho-pimp, le fondateur et l'grand maître sacré de l'club des kamenskistes ou la nation des demi-dieux et demi-chiennes, et le fondateur de première maison daddy'ienne-abrahamienne de commonwealth des états clients de protectorate-république de kamenskylande _

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